
Building a Culture of Safety and Excellence at Roberta Cement Plant

The Roberta Cement plant prides itself on fostering a strong culture of safety. Through the establishment of two esteemed safety groups, ALERT and ELITE, we have solidified our position as leaders in operational safety within the cement and mining industry.

Our Roberta ELITE TEAM, comprising hourly employees, lies at the core of our safety initiatives. This voluntary behavior-based safety program is driven by dedicated team members who actively participate. An impressive 84% of our hourly population voluntarily engages in the program, demonstrating their commitment to safety.

To be part of the ELITE TEAM, employees conduct a minimum of four peer-to-peer safety observations per month. This proactive approach fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility among team members. Our safety commitment has garnered recognition within the industry. The DERKA safety conference consistently seeks the expertise of our ELITE TEAM, inviting them to conduct Q&A panel discussions during safety breakout sessions.

The Roberta ALERT Team plays a vital role in emergency preparedness at our cement plant. Comprising 21 highly trained members skilled in various areas, such as High Angle Rescue and CPR & First Aid, this team ensures we are equipped to handle emergencies effectively.

Primarily consisting of cross-functional front-line employees, the ALERT Team brings diverse skills and expertise to the table. Our participation in the Alabama Mine First Responder Competition, organized by the Alabama Mining Association and MSHA, has further enhanced our capabilities. Training sessions with industry experts and specialized courses from Alabama Power have sharpened our skills and prepared us for various emergency scenarios.

In the 2022 Alabama Mine First Responder Competition, we secured first place overall and in the Field Competition, with a notable second place in CPR and First Aid. Our recent participation in the competition resulted in an impressive second place in the field category. These achievements underscore our commitment to excellence and highlight our ability to perform exceptionally well in challenging environments.

We believe in sharing knowledge and collaborating with other mines in the region. By assisting in creating Alert Teams, we ensure the presence of trained professionals at every event, both within our workplace and in the community. Collaborating with other mines in the area, we actively work towards organizing more training sessions, fostering a safer industry collectively.

The Roberta Cement plant’s unwavering commitment to safety is evident through the efforts of our ELITE and ALERT Teams. As industry leaders, we continue to prioritize safety, actively engaging employees and collaborating with others to promote safer operational practices. With a shared goal of creating a safer industry, we remain dedicated to excellence and constantly strive towards a culture of safety at the Roberta Cement plant.

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