
Accelerating Argos

I want to communicate regularly, and I will use this newsletter to share information that will center around you – our employees, the most important part of our business.

Some of you may know that getting out to our sites and meeting people is my favorite part of this job. With each visit I get a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges in the work we do every day. I try to do this as often as I can, and earlier this month, I was able to visit our port in Houston, Texas.

In Houston, we import cement, and our largest customer is our Ready-Mix business there. We are making a $38 million investment in the facility to expand our storage capacity and significantly improve the productivity and profitability of the site. The investment includes a new-high speed ship unloading system and a high-speed conveyor that moves the cement to a brand-new storage dome. The project started in 2021 and is planned for completion in 2024.

I met a great group of enthusiastic and dedicated employees who take our investment at the port very seriously, including Kyle Harrison, Terminal Operations Director, Omar Ramirez, Port Terminal Manager, and Jason Allen, Mechanical Maintenance Technician.

I was struck by how busy the port is, and how hot and dusty it can be. These types of elements make it even more critical that we take an extra moment to stop, think, and put safety first as we begin the task ahead of us. I want all employees at Houston and throughout our other facilities to feel empowered to take this extra step as we head into the hotter summer months. 

The employees at Houston are working very hard, and this investment will be an important competitive advantage for us all. I thank the team at Houston for hosting me, sharing about your work and demonstrating your dedication to our business. 

I look forward to meeting many more of you throughout the year. 

Be safe,   


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