
We Participated in the GHCA 2023 Golf Tournament

Argos proudly sponsors the Georgia Hispanic Construction Association, supporting their mission to nurture success in the construction industry for the Hispanic Community. This year, we participated in their annual golf tournament with a foursome, an information booth, and a virtual reality safety simulator. Our partnership with the association has been a source of inspiration and pride.

Our golf team eagerly joined the tournament, fostering camaraderie and strengthening our connection with the community. At our information booth, visitors gained insights into our commitment to excellence and sustainability. The highlight was our virtual reality safety simulator, demonstrating the importance of strict safety protocols while operating our ready-mix trucks. We thank Doug Parker, our simulator coordinator, for his dedication in sharing our commitment to safety.

We are so glad we were able to participate in this event, and we take pride in promoting diversity, safety, and Hispanic community success in construction. This partnership has forged lasting connections and expanded our horizons. We extend our gratitude to the Georgia Hispanic Construction Association for empowering Hispanic professionals and fostering inclusivity in the industry. Through collective endeavors like this, we can create lasting change and shape a brighter future for all.

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